RMS News

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Jokes and Riddles

1. A bracelet was stolen at the jewelry store last night. There were 4 suspects in the room when it occurred. One was lying. Who was lying, and who stole the bracelet? There are two possible answers.

  • Mary said that Jessica stole the bracelet.
  • Eap said that Jessica was telling a lie.
  • Jessica said that Eap stole the bracelet.
  • Mark said he didn’t steal the bracelet.

“Eap lied, she stole the bracelet, or Jessica lied, she stole the bracelet.”

2. What do you call a man with no body and no nose???

“Nobody knows”

3. What has five eyes but cannot see.

“Mississippi river”

4. What did the bird say to the bird when it wasn’t being bad?

“You’re so chicken”

5. What travels the world but stays in one corner?

“A stamp”

6. Why didn’t the turkey cross the road?

“Because they aren’t chicken”

7. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

“The letter M”

8. You are stuck in a room with no light, no windows, and no doors. The walls are very strong, so you can not break them. You only have a pile of nails and some wood. How do you leave?

“You make a ladder and climb out the ceiling”

9. What room do ghosts avoid?

“The living room”

10. what haves many keys but cant open a single door.

“A piano”

11. What do you do if a dog chews a dictionary?

“You pull the words out of his mouth!”

12. what is more useful when it’s broken?

“An egg”

13. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the tallest mountain?

“Mount Everest”

14. Which is the largest room in the world?

“The room for improvement.”

15. What did the 1 say to the 0?

“You make me feel ten times stronger”

16. What is the worst vegetable to have on a ship?

“A leek”

17. Why weren’t the tennis players allowed in the restaurant?

“Because they make too much raquet.”